Mirabaud: An Active and Responsible Investor

To find out more about Mirabaud: www.mirabaud.com

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Mirabaud: An Active and Responsible Investor

When considering the staggering problems that face the world – such as climate change – it becomes all too easy to hesitate at the scale of the challenge and bury one’s head in the sand. Wealth Management and Asset management firm, Mirabaud, has a wholly different response.

The company tells the story of a hummingbird who, when faced with the overwhelming task of confronting a forest fire, chose to collect drops of water to throw onto the flames – it chose to do its bit.

As a wealth and asset manager, Mirabaud believes in the power of finance to contribute to positive change and lasting impact, with growth only achievable through sustainability. By utilising an integrative approach in its daily investment decisions, Mirabaud works directly with companies to accompany them in their unique and sustainable journeys, engaging on responsible investment issues and enabling a long-term approach to growth and development. A strategy that gives Mirabaud the opportunity to generate value for client, support businesses and the wider economic world, while not losing sight of the need for greater sustainability.

Therefore, when confronted with the issue of climate change, through its asset management activities, Mirabaud understands the risks involved and integrates them into the investment process ; the transition risks that result from the rapid repricing of financial assets in the face of new climate regulations, and also the risks that arise from the more obvious and physically destructive impacts of climate change.

Mirabaud’s goal is to work with companies who are proving their willingness to be involved in a sustainable transition. Operating according to four pillars which highlight the need for greater sustainability in economic, social, environmental, and societal ways, Mirabaud works to support businesses and bring added value to clients while exercising its shareholder rights to influence the decisions of its partners in a more sustainable direction.

It has become clear that the companies that invest sustainably and work to reduce their impact on the environment will be the companies that still exist in the next few decades. Through its active and responsible investing, Mirabaud believes that engaging with companies, understanding their fundamental structures, and encouraging the adoption of good practices is the key to creating positive change. As a result, Mirabaud is careful about where it deploys its capital, showcasing the role that fund and wealth managers can play in ensuring a sustainable transition – by financially supporting sustainable companies.

Given how widespread the call for greater sustainability has become, now a demand from consumers, governments, and the general public alike, asset managers are increasingly factoring the sustainability of a company into their investment decisions. Bankers and Asset managers are perhaps not perceived as sustainable leaders by the general public. However, Mirabaud is demonstrating, through its approach to responsible investment, that long-term capital can be made in a sustainable manner; the company is driving an approach that is a clear indication to the financial industry of how investment will operate over the coming years.


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